Failure Is Society’s Free Pass To Act the Way You Really Want To

Lipika Sahu
2 min readOct 5, 2021
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

So you have failed.

In business (my case). Or your SAT score has just bombed. Or you have just shrouded a long-running relationship.

A failure, end of the topic.

Now what?

You find a hole and bury yourself within that. You find solace in your own company. You start avoiding taking calls and make random excuses not to meet people. Or stop making any noise, pretending not to be at home, when the doorbell rings?

Been there. Done that. Doesn’t help.

A failure is an event. We all know that. The problem is when we let that define us. When we carry the tag along with us- just like that old tattered can, devious kids tie to the tail of a street dog, that makes the raucous sound and draws everyone’s attention towards that otherwise-overlooked dog.

But imagine if instead of a dead weight that pulls you down, what if you see failure as a set of wings that gets you flying?

You have failed.

You have been judged.

You have been branded.

You have been declared dead by this world of morons huffing and puffing their way to ‘success’.

How much worse will this get? Doesn’t that entitle you to act on what you are perceived as? Come on, that’s a free pass there.

You have earned it. Now is the time you speak freely, unabashed. Shed that drape of decent and be free.

You have already been judged, you see.

The verdict is out.

You are a failure. And no matter what you do, it’s not going to change anytime soon.

People who love you have never stopped doing that, and that's what matters.

That’s the gift of your fiasco. And you have earned it.

It’s time to enjoy that. Sit back and lick it slow. Relish it.

Feel free to do whatever you have always wanted to do. Because, you see, the penalty for one murder is the same as two. The worst case- you will fail again? So what! Aren’t you a failure already? Duh!

Failure is society’s free pass to act the way you really want to.

It’s like the grace it gives you for all the trouble you took to fail under the names of depression, a setback, or a plain vanilla formula of he/she-is-a-failure-after-all.

I, for one, have taken my pass and enjoying my newfound freedom. Time for you to grab yours.

Applies only if you have failed. Terms and conditions apply!

