InThe StartupbyLipika Sahu10 Editing Practices That Can Transform Your Story From Basic to BrilliantNOT about great headlines, formatting, or one-line sentences — the ones not talked about.Oct 7, 2022142Oct 7, 2022142
InILLUMINATIONbyLipika Sahu1 Year, 2 Books, 3 Platforms, ~4M Views Later — My 7 (Undying) Codes of Writing That Worked#4 Your maximum effort => audience’s minimum effortSep 26, 2023164Sep 26, 2023164
InNew Writers WelcomebyLipika Sahu5 Duck-Soup Easy Ways To Add Sound To Writing (& Talk To Your Audience)Make them hear juuust how you want to tell themJul 27, 20237Jul 27, 20237
InWriters’ BlokkebyLipika SahuNew Writers: You Can Benefit From These Mistakes Of MineAnd stop yourself from calling quitsJul 9, 2021141Jul 9, 2021141
InWriters’ BlokkebyLipika SahuIf I Were to (Re)Start As a Writer Today, These Are The 6 Actionable Things I Would DoNOT the run-of-the-mill — write daily, focus on your headline, accept rejections, blah blahMay 4, 2022166May 4, 2022166
InWriters’ BlokkebyLipika SahuThe First 3 Things That Decide The Fate Of a Story — Content Isn’t One of Them.That’s the fourth.May 24, 202255May 24, 202255
InNew Writers WelcomebyLipika SahuOnly If You Endure These 5 (Excruciating) Things, Can You Become a Successful WriterIn fact, nothing can stop you after thatJun 17, 202246Jun 17, 202246
InThe StartupbyLipika Sahu3+1 (Heavyweight) Reasons For Writers to Write a Book — From ‘I Want to’ to ‘I Must’The WHY, WHAT, and HOW of it.Jul 10, 20229Jul 10, 20229