Still, Brooding About Writing a Book? Here, Here… Let's Get You Started

5 things that will get you on your dream project AND finish it

Lipika Sahu
Published in
5 min readJan 21, 2023



Just as how endearing the idea of having authored a book is, it is an equally scary task to start with (let alone finish it).

And precisely the reason why while 81% of people want to write a book, only 3% end up writing it, and it further slashes down to 0.6% who go on to publish it.

So, what happens between wanting to write a book, to actually writing it, and then finishing it?

A whole lot of self-doubt, is what happens.

"What if people don't like it? What if I look like an idiot? What if people I know read it and think of me as a fool?"

Well, it is natural to have them. Doubts. Everyone has. But don't dwell on those. Get past them.

All you have to do is write ONE trashy book. That's all I am asking of you.

And WHY you should author a book, no matter how shitty it turns out.

I hope you have stopped whining, wiped away your insecurities, and cleaned your messy slate to start the work.

Roll up your sleeves; We are getting down to business

One thing before we start — this is not a 'How To Write a Book In 30 Days' story. This will get you started. And trust me, that's the most challenging part.

What I am about to share with you is everything that I have done myself for my book. And I was no different when it came to starting the project. And these things have helped me finish the book (well, almost).

1. Start small

Don't look at the vast mountain above; you will stall the climb. Okay, do you see that small patch ahead of you there? Just go there. And then that rock ahead of you?

Think big, start small. Baby steps.

Baby steps can be things like:

  • Jotting down the broad ideas for the book
  • Choosing one idea/ eliminating some
  • Breaking down the broad idea into smaller parts/sections/chapters
  • Adding some subheadings to one chapter
  • Taking a small part and writing a paragraph about it

You are getting the drift, right?

All I have done up there is answer the question 'how to write a book.' But when you break it down into smaller pieces, it looks easier. Right?

Write the book like a sloth — take your own sweet time to digest each portion completely; just don’t stop.

2. Set your target words & slash them to half (maybe a third)

Sounds strange? I will tell you why.

Writing a book is one of the most popular new year's resolutions. They start with much enthusiasm, their writing engine running full throttle. They have done the maths:

Total words= 30,000. Daily word target=1000. No. of days=30. Misc things=10 days. Buffer=10 days. Total=50 days. Voila!

But as the 5th Sun of the year sets, they fizzle out.

Over-optimistic targets.

Go slow. That's all you need to do. If you 'FEEL' you can write 500 words, please make it 250, or 100 even. It's not a race. Remember the sloth. Just make sure you are moving. Trust me:

You will gain momentum at some point. For now, get in the groove — make it muscle memory.

3. Tell yourself — "My first novel will be a dud, but hey, I will be an author"

If you are still with me, hats off to you.

Because I am not telling you what you want to hear. And maybe my pessimistic approach is pissing you off. But I am telling you things that have worked for me.

Everyone writes with one dream — for the book to be a hit bringing in much fame and moolah. Yumm…

And that aspiration to write something extraordinary bestselling debut has crashed many book-writing dreams. Let that not be yours.

See, I am not saying it cannot be a bestseller. But let that part out of the equation for now. Let this be — MY FIRST BOOK. Period.

4. Write to become an author, not a millionaire

Write what you like and not what is popular and selling the most.

See, it's like this. If you are of Stephen hawking caliber, you won't be reading this article; you will be sipping a cappuccino and signing your books in some book club.

You are here because you are struggling to write your first book, and I am here to make it easier for you. Be clear about your objective. As I said, the bestseller part is for the latter.

People write 20/50/200 books in their lifetime. This is not going to be the only book you will ever write.

You WILL write your best seller; let this one be an ordinary book. It makes the job much easier.

5. 'What about writer's block,' you ask?

Ah, and that too. Yes, every writer's worst enemy.

No, I don't have a foolproof medicine for this, but I will tell you what works for me.

A regret overdose.

Whenever I encounter the block, and I find myself whiling away my time binge-watching a Netflix series or gossiping over the phone, I give a shot of this medicine. Within minutes I am back at my table.

"A year later, when you look back, can you say that you put in your everything?" "You know that the more you delay, the longer it is going to take you to where you want to be."

And such. Give me a real kick in the (right place), and I get down to work.

And then sometimes I feel low about writing or simply bored (yes, that happens to every writer). For that, I have a secret stash. I just put out a line, roll up a bill, and snort it. Get's me high immediately.

I am joking!!! But yes,

I have a secret stash. Of messages.

Lovely ones. From my readers, who have said wonderful things about my writing and how it has helped them. I am immediately high on the writing adrenaline. [Thank you for such beautiful messages.]


So, yes. I have now bared all I used to write my first book. I hope, by now, you have decided to ditch the conclusion and are already on the writing desk, taking baby steps. Kudos!

And if you are still here, you may be one of those lovely readers whose messages I have stashed.

Let's quickly wrap it up, then.

  • Focus on the small wins. Don't rush into the process. Baby steps.
  • Take away the pressure to perform. Just be on the stage and move. Don't be hard on yourself.
  • Set (very) realistic targets. And stick to them.
  • Don't think about the end result (a bestseller earning you millions). Your job is to finish what you started. That's a HUGE win.
  • Pick your poison, but kill the writer's block in you. That's not helping you anyway.

So, let's get started NOW!

Since we are on the topic of stash, here’s a stash of freebies for you to pick from. You will find them handy — Content Planner, 30-Day Journal, Writing Exercises, & Headline Templates.

