Writing started as a fling for me, but things got serious really fast. And it all started here — on Medium — and has since branched out to many other things.
Today, I am a full-time writer with exciting projects in hand.
Let me be honest: as a beginner, I had my fair share of struggles figuring out a gazillion things that came my way. And I have lost once or twice. I just threw in the towel.
But thankfully, sanity did not ditch me; I dusted myself and kept going. This is the reason why I have a soft spot for new writers. I get it - it's tough.
So, here I am. To share all that I took time to figure out so that others have it a tad easier. Think of me as that wiry-haired-tester who does all the experiments and tells you what's working and what's not.
I write about:
• Tips on how to write better • How to write more (because we all are crunched on time) • Headline dazzling tips (suck...we have to sell our own stories) • Digital products (been there, done that many times now) • Growing an audience base
And there will be one thing common in all my stories — humor (smiles are guaranteed here).
If you wish to connect with me directly, I am available at lipikasahu194@gmail.com. • If you are new to Medium, my free ebook, The Medium Manual, will save you much time trying to navigate through this platform. You can grab more such freebies here.
• My new 6-day writing course, Write With Flair, is a curated collection of everything you need to make your writing truly stand out.
• And you are also welcome to join 1k+ brilliant minds who connect with me weekly through my newsletter, The Write Shot.